Sunday, May 9, 2010

Life is so beautiful!

Dusseldorf - His eyes shine with joy. Firmly he expresses his father Maik (34) and his mother, Sabine (39) hand - then he takes a deep breath. Leon B. is happy. "Life is so beautiful," he says.
The age nine, who was suffering from a rare tumor (EXPRESS reported), has defeated the cancer. After three months of special treatment in the U.S., he is with his family back home in Derendorf. Where the neighbors had launched an unprecedented fundraising campaign for him.
Finally Back Home! And finally back in school. "That is what I am most happy," says Leon. With its nine years, the boy has been through a lot. And much more done.
Chordoma is the cancer which would have the boys almost cost his life. It squeezed between the third and sixth cervical spinal cord at Leon's. Worldwide there are only five teams of specialists who can operate as a tumor.
Thus the boy, his sister Julie (2) and his parents traveled to Zurich in August, where it was located in a twelve-hour surgery three and four cervical discs. After a special treatment was necessary.
Maik father as: "As the world's leading doctor sits in this area in Boston, we had in the United States." And for three whole months. About the organization, "Christopher's Haven," she found an apartment, put a free Avis car rental service.
At Dr. Norbert Liebsch at Massachusetts General Hospital, the tumor was irradiated with millimeter accuracy. "Leon had been suffering from the severe side effects such as burns to the skin and esophagus," says Father Maik. "But he was so brave!"
 For daily glimpses into the Advent season ensured Leon's classmates at St. Rocco School. Every day a child sent him an e-mail greetings. The homework he was sent by e-mail. Then the redemptive message: Irradiation has done! From home.
"The fact that I could have had all the time in the United States among them, I thank my terrific boss," says Maik, who works in an ADAC road service partners. But the neighbors took the family back free. Just as Martina Rössler gathering of "Flower & More," the donations.
"For the family financially and have no worries for the boy could be there," said the florist. About 7,000 euros came together. Maik: "We did not have anything. The rest we will weiterspenden. Thanks to all! "
For Leon, who enjoys playing with his friends to the fullest, it is now by the way: learning! The good student has one of the objectives: "I want to come to high school!"