Thursday, February 11, 2010

Police hunt killers Kardelen

Paderborn / Möhnesee - The search for the missing girls Kardelen (8) from Paderborn (EXPRESS.DE reported>) has found a tragic end.
On Thursday afternoon, the police found a body. The body was discovered in a wooded area on the south bank of the Möhnesee. "Everything indicates that it is Kardelen" said einPolizeisprecher durchGerichtsmediziner before the official identification. The girl from Paderborn has fallen on the location of Dingeeinem violent crime victims.
The Leichewar on Thursday evening around 19.00 clock abtransportiertworden from the site. After the beating of the sniffer dogs, the forest had been cut off sofortgroßräumig. The naked corpse was Mädchenssei covered with pine branches, says the police späterbei the press conference. The securing of evidence had to pay off the branches langsamund meticulously. The body was not vollständigbedeckt.
Although it was early evening at a press conference inPaderborn no more certainty about the death of the missing, dark-haired girl: "The little spark of hope burns in Laufedes day," says Mayor Paderborn Heinz Pausdie feelings of many people in Paderborn.
"Since the disappearance of Kardelen here is the fear of losing, dieEltern their children alone can no longer go to school," sagtMustafa Sanri. He lives with his family near the village woKardelen, was last seen on Monday. He also worries about seineelfjährige daughter and she now accompanies every morning to school.
"I know the family very well. What happened michselbst makes really ready," says Selim Akkaya. The 41-year-old wohntmit his wife and his children for seven years in the selbenStraße as Kardelen family. His daughter, ten years have often mitihr played.
The "terrible news", as summarized Paderborn Mayor Dentag had begun after the discovery of the clothes the day before togetherness large-scale search operation on about 60 kilometers from the City desMädchens lying Möhnesee.
EinerHundertschaft with officials, a helicopter and sniffer dogs scoured derUferbereich was mainly at the end of the 650-meter-long lock wall. Ina few yards distant forest opened at noon on einSpürhund then, shortly after the girl's body was discovered.
Now the police are looking frantically for Kardelen murderer: First witness calls were received on Wednesday even as the police ein.Ein anglers to have seen a man with a child in rosafarbenerKleidung on the dam, the Möhnesee Dam. Another said that the children's clothes had lain since Dienstagnachmittagan the street.
The police take the advice seriously, must now engage in meticulous Arbeitallem.
Following the discovery police and members must schlimmstenrechnen with. "The likelihood is that it is at the funeral nichtum Kardelen is extremely low," said police spokesman Ulrich Krawinkel. Whether the girl in the locality near einesErholungsheimes was killed, was initially unklar.Die parents are cared for by Opferschutzbeauftragten the police.
More about: Eight years gone Kardelen>
Also of interest
Fund at the funeral Möhnesee - the pictures