Wednesday, February 24, 2010

"We save Eike Immel"

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Cologne - Cologne can not alone ". A motto that stands up well for Christoph Daum (54). The FC coach that is has now launched an initiative - for an old friend in trouble ...
Eike Immel (46) plague pain. For years. The days when the goalkeeper coach at the former stations Austria Vienna, Besiktas and Fenerbahce Istanbul, together with thumb celebrated achievements are long gone. "I'm semi-invalid, come around a surgery any longer. In two weeks I have in a clinic in Pforzheim, the knife and get a new hip, "says the former national goalkeeper of the EXPRESS.
Because of its Hiparthritis Immel can no longer practice his profession. These are money problems, personal worries. Immel had retired to report old companions like Michael Frontzeck (43).
Nevertheless, he still has friends. As Daum. The mobilization of the moment whom he can to help Immel too! "He is bad," said the FC coach, who once had to undergo the same operation. And to help his friend out of trouble, he now has his former players from 1992 Stuttgart Masters - Guido Buchwald (46), Matthias Sammer (40) and Maurizio Gaudino (rounded up 40) -.
 Motto: We save Eike! "We have to help him," Daum said, "that I had an understanding with Matthias Sammer, Maurizio Gaudino and Guido Buchwald."
The aim of the Quartet: Together we want to convey to the old veterans of the 1992 Masters after his surgery a job as a goalkeeping coach! The idea arose in early September in Munich. Sammer's Party on the 40th Daum first birthday inaugurated the influential one-DFB sport director in his plan.
 Shortly thereafter, he went to Buchwald. "He approached me at the match between Germany and Romania in Cologne in the stands because Eike" says Aachen coach, "we should do everything to help him."
Also finds the well then Gaudino (contacted "Eike's fate has hit me very much!"), Who is now Spielerberater - and the best scene in Germany and has contacts abroad.
But the job is difficult. Daum: "We have tried to accommodate Eike also in England. There, he has for his time at Manchester City a very good name. But it is not easy. It is important that he has reasonable advocate. "And friends. Especially in a difficult time ...
Also of interest
This is Eike Immel