Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Smokers in the pillory

Dusseldorf - smokers would prefer that the politicians cough, breathing Non smoking: On Wednesday, the parliament decided the NRW Non smoking Protection Act. And that is a bitter pilloried for all smoking fellow citizens.
Why the law? The government points to the approximately 3,300 dead hand smoke each year in Germany. In addition, we want to protect children who fall ill more easily by tobacco smoke in the air.
Can the government just deny whether I smoke or not? No. Basically, the nicotine consumption is allowed. Ulrich Lensing, spokesman for the NRW Ministry of Health: "But to protect the health of nonsmokers is more important than the enjoyment of freedom of smokers."
Where do you want from 1 January 2008 smoking rule? If there are enclosed spaces: In public institutions (government agencies, offices, courts), health and social services (hospitals, rehabilitation hospitals, children's homes, student dormitories), education and educational institutions (schools, kindergartens, universities, community colleges etc.).
Where else?) In closed sports facilities (gyms, cinemas and museums, airports.
And in pub and brewery? Smoking. Unless the landlord sets up a "structurally separate" smoking area, the smell, do not bother the other guests. He must not be greater than the Non smoking area. The beginning of the new scheme: 1 July 2008.
What about smoking rooms? Lensing: "A claim does not exist." However, when authorities set up a boss or a museum (with controlled ventilation), there may be smoked. Absolute taboo: schools, kindergartens.
And in the workplace? Lensing: "The state of the economy that may require it." However, there have been 2002, a "Non smoking Arbeisstättenverordnung to protect".
After the employer must ensure the protection of its workers to smoke nicotine. Difficult to control. Ernst-Guenther Krause, head of the Non smoking initiative, Germany: "We represent 50 cases in court, was dismissed when people who had complained about smoke in the workplace."
The tricks that I can continue to smoke in public? If a restaurant is rented for a closed society, smoking is allowed. Similarly, in temporary tents set up. When bartender her shop e.g. make it a "club room for smokers clubs", the state is also difficult to reconcile with the ban.
Also of interest
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